It is with Jesus' joy that I take this time to welcome each and every one of you to the SYMPOSIUM. We are thankful to God to have the blessed opportunity to fulfill the apostolic assignment given by God to bring apostolic breakthrough, impartation, and kingdom alignment in the lives of his saints in the region of North Florida. We come to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. We have a mandate of God to release the Apostolic and prophetic dimensions of Kingdom order. Now is the time to walk in Kingdom Authority and Kingdom Destiny. Welcome to the next level. II Corinthians 4:1.
Dr. C.B. McCloud III


Your generous contributions for Sponsorship throughout the years are appreciated and allow us to continue to offer Symposium events at no cost to our community. We want to give you another opportunity to make a sacrificial donation in support of the move of God in North Florida.
If you want to make a donation of any amount, please make checks payable to “Symposium, Inc.” and mail it to the address below, or submit your donation ONLINE. Please consider giving monthly through our ONLINE recurring donation option. Other opportunities to give include attending our Sponsorship Seminar or by purchasing digital Study Outlines published by Dr. C.B. McCloud.